Friday 29 April 2011

Solution to a chilly april morning: warm bowl of blueberry crumble

Im sure the most of you aren't waking up to a wet snowy april morning but us Calgarians did. This recipe is perfect for any day really. It's the perfect healthy heart warming recipe with ingredients most of us always have hidden in our pantry. I try to make my recipes as flexible as possible so you can change or add ingredients as you would like. Baking and cooking is always more interesting when you trust your instinct instead of measuring the exact amount; try this next time.

Colorful Crumble

Bake at 400 for 25 mins

[In one bowl]
 Add fresh or frozen fruit - apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries are all great options.
1/4 cup brown sugar or honey if you want to use all natural sweeteners

Let sit while you toss the rest of the ingredients in a second bowl.

1/2 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 rolled oats
Bit of canola oil
1/4 maple syrup
or 1/4 honey or both
1/4 pecans or almonds
Cinnamon and nutmeg
If your feeling daring try a tiny bit of powdered ginger

Layer oat mixture on top of fruit and bake.

Add some soy ice cream or even yogurt and enjoy! Also kids lovee this recipe, I'm told it tastes just like apple pie.

I encourage you to play around with this. Make every recipe your own.

Monday 25 April 2011

Staples to a healthy living.

Since this is my first post I feel there are probably some things I should say before going forward with the rest of it. Welcome and hello to start :). Everything I post from this point onwards are merely suggestions and hopefully lead to conversations of new discoveries. Everyone may not agree with my recommendations and that is perfectly fine. In all honesty I HOPE you don't. Find things which work and learn to love yourself. I also I want to say that this is not meant to be a personal diary by any means but instead recipes and places I have discovered which I want to share with you! So I hope you find something special in this blog to better your life in anyway.

This is a list of a few things (which is always changing and being added to) I feel are an important asset in carrying a healthy lifestyle.

[First] would have to be a yoga matt.

This doesn't necessarily mean you have to practice yoga or have any interest in doing so. I do believe this is number one because I truly think being healthy means being in tune with your body. The yoga matt is a great sanctuary place where you can sit, take a couple breaths and meditate. I suggested this to my sister who is at university in Ontario and she said it was perfect for study breaks. She was overall more productive because she was able to take these moments to de stress.  

On the other hand if you are interested in yoga thats great! Regardless if your a beginner to yoga or have been practicing for a while it is important to learn how to practice alone at home as well. This allows you to again stay in tune with your body and ONLY your body. I am always surprised to hear about how often people look around or feel it's a 'competition' in a yoga class. The truth is, the only thing your focus should be on is your own body. There are many times I wont even know what the instructor looks like until I leave a yoga class since I get so in focus. If you are going to try practicing from home I would highly recommend Tara Stiles, she is truly wonderful and has yoga for any occasion on youtube or even on the apple store podcast for free.

[Second] is a blender.

Its funny I say this because at the moment I don't even own one. The only reason for that is because I overused my two Magic Bullets till they finally had enough, ha I don't blame them. If your willing to spend the money I would say definitely invest in a Vita Mixer. Otherwise the Magic Bullet is cheap and works fine (mine did last at least 2 years). Why a blender? Smoothies! Green smoothies specifically (I'll get into that another time). Its also a great way to chop up nuts, seeds, dried fruit for recipes.

[Third] some good health books.

Even though many of these are backed up by various research and surveys it is important to remember that a very heavy chunk of them is someone's opinion. DON'T follow and believe in everything you read. First of all its close to impossible and secondly this is what has worked for these particular individuals who come from various backgrounds. YOU know your body and what works for it. Discover that through trying things and being educated on what is out there. I just finished Bethenny Frankel's Naturally Thin book and absolutely loved it. I won't follow it religiously but I felt she offered a very "real" perspective on dieting. She talks about redefining our relationship with food which I believe is so so important now a days. Read many books and develop your own opinion.

[Four] sketch book, journal, notepad.

Try for a couple weeks just noting down ONE thing about your day. A quote which stayed with you, something delicious you ate, a certain way your body felt. Just anything at all. You would be surprised with how beneficial this can be. I've seen a couple of my friends who started a photo challenge and or tried something like This is a great idea as well. It can be a beautiful thing.

[Five] Quinoa, Bee pollen, and Acidophilus pills. 

These were just a couple things on the top of my head I could think of right now. I'l try to be short with the explanation of each.

Quinoa- if you haven't heard of it yet I am very happy to be the first to do that because it is a wonderful thing. Great for people suffering from celiacs disease and vegetarians because it is a seed not a grain and a good source of protein as well. Quinoa:365 is a beautiful book perfect for recipes

Bee Pollen- this one is debatable for some, I would simply say do some research and then decide for yourself. Personally its worked great for me and I feel it has many great health benefits. It has a bit of a nutty taste and you can add it to oatmeal or yogurt.

Acidophilus pills- do the RESEARCH before you put anything foreign into your body. This particular pill is great for healthy indigestion and works wonders for most people. Can be found at Shoppers or any store carrying vitamins.

[Six] a beautiful water bottle. 
In reality it doesn't need to be beautiful at all. For a while I was carrying around a jar I bought from my local hot yoga studio and it was just fine. Water is SO very important and as Im writing this I am realizing this should be at the top of the list. Go out and purchase a reusable water bottle and say hello to your new best friend. You will learn to love it and get into a beautiful routine of always consuming water.

[Seven] Tea. 

I'm not sure if they have these brands in the states but my favorites are Davids Teas and Teaopia.
Davids Tea- try around Christmas time : Santa's Secret and Chocolate Chili Chai.

[Eight] a good pair of runners.

If you don't run, walk. If your not into that, get into the gym. Just find an active activity you LOVE and doesn't feel like a chore.

Well this post ended up being much longer then I planned but I hope you found something you like and if you have any questions I would be happy to answer.