Tuesday 3 July 2012

All Natural Home Remedies

Here are some all natural treatments you can do at home that are also very inexpensive :)

Egg White Hair Mask
What's very important to look for in a hair mask is protein. Your hair is made of protein and, therefore, needs it. This then makes egg whites to be a perfect hair mask! They are considered to be a 'perfect protein', so if you soak them in your hair, your hair will absorb and feed off of all the great and natural benefits. I've done this mask twice already and LOVE the results - my hair is noticeably shiner and softer. Must be doing something right ;)

Here's how it works: get 3 egg whites, preferably at room temperature (fridge cold eggs on your head will be a little shock) and massage them into your hair. I used 2 the first time because I have thin hair, but since my hair is long I really should've used 3 so I did the second time and it was perfect. So be your own judge of that. You kind of have to grab a scoop at a time in your hand then massage it throughout your hair and scalp - egg whites are tricky because they're so slippery, so don't just pour them over your head ;) Let them sit for 10-15 minutes then rinse them out, shower normally, and enjoy your healthier, chemical free hair!

Face Exfoliant
I'm a big fan of using all natural things at home for body care, so here is what I use as a face exfoliant. Note: you should only exfoliate your face 1-2 times a week, not daily, and always after cleansing. Also, use warm/hot water to open up the pores so you can get everything good and clean from not just the surface area, but deeper into the skin.

I use cornmeal and honey - cornmeal is the exfoliant, and honey is an amazing facial hydrator and will make the mix become an easy-to-use paste. For one application, use about half a teaspoon of cornmeal and a quarter teaspoon of honey. Mix that with just a drop or two of water so that it is a thick paste, making it easier to apply. Always avoid the eye area when exfoliating, and use small, gentle circles to get all the dead skin cells off your face that cause dryness, irritation and breakouts. Rub this in for less than 30 seconds, remembering to be very gentle, then rise off. Follow with a toner if you have one, then moisturize.

Hope you enjoy this alternative angle to hair and skin care!

Would love to hear any comments or questions - also if you would like any other ideas to at-home, natural remedies.

Stay all-natural,

P.S. Your hair won't turn into scrambled eggs ;) which, very seriously, crossed my mind ...

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