Thursday 6 December 2012

Chickpea Quinoa Soup

This is as simple as it gets. Simplicity is a beautiful thing. 
BLEND one can of diced tomatoes (seasoned is best), one can of chickpeas (rinse first), small can of corn, 3 tbsp of hummus, 1 cup of warm vegetable broth, bit of salt and pepper, slash of BRAGGS.
POUR into a cute little bowl HEAT up in microwave or sauce pot. Top with a couple tbsp of cooked quinoa and cheese (optional).
See? How easy was that? Take a cozy seat, smile --> :) like that, and enjoy your fabulous 10 min soup. Namaste you beautiful people.
Much love, Taegan. 

Mint Chocolate and Pumpkin Almond Butter Cookies

Split this quick and painless cookie recipe to make two different flavor cookies! 
2 cups of gluten free flour (almond flour works best)
4 tbsps of almond butter 
2 tbsp of honey
.25 cup of cranberries, raisins, or dates (be creative!)
2 tbsp of cocoa 
2 tbsp of pumpkin puree
2 tbsp of mint dark chocolate chips
Almond Milk
MIX all ingredients (except the last 4) together in a bowl — it should look fairly crumbly but have faith, it will work. 
SPLIT into two bowls 
IN ONE BOWL add the mint chocolate chips, cocoa, and a touch of almond milk (just enough to smooth out the batter a bit)
IN THE OTHER add 2 tbsp of pumpkin and touch of almond milk
SCOOP tiny balls and throw onto a pan with parchment paper
BAKE at 350 for about 20 minutes
These little cuties are perfect with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee! 
I also made a glaze to drizzle over top by just heating up [1 big tbsp of almond butter, 1 tbsp of honey, a touch of almond milk, and .25 cup of mint chocolate chips ] in a small pot until smooth and creamy. Then use a spoon to drizzle over top your COOLED down cookies.

Cauliflower Pizza!

Slightly modified the recipe from 

450 degrees
MICROWAVE - 2 cups of shredded cauliflower (1/2 head) for 8 mins 
You may need less time if you have a powerful microwave.
Allow this to cool + MIX in two egg whites, 1 tsp of dried oregano, one cup of  shredded dairy free mozza, little bit of salt and pepper.
WARNING: This is the point where you think to your self: I did this all wrong, it looks awful, there’s no way this is going to turn into a crust, I should just throw it out, this was a bad idea. Don’t . I promise you will be pleasantly surprised.
And if not, then you did do something wrong. 
THROW your scary saucy mixture onto a pan with parchment paper and pat down to a 9-12 inch ‘circle’ the best you can. 
BAKE that beauty for 15 mins or until golden and slightly crispy. 
Then TOP with home made tomato sauce, canned diced tomatoes put through a blender till smooth + little bit of salt, pepper, oregeno, and anything else you would like! Be creative. I put tomatoes, kale, and red/orange peppers on mine. Dustin put mozza, peppers, chicken.
Set oven to BROIL and keep your cutie pie pizzas in there for only 3-4 mins or until cheese is melted or kale crispy. 
Voila! Surprising, hey? You will need a fork and knife for these guys but I can assure you all the shredding, guessing, and doubting will be all worth it. ;) chow on.
Much love, Taegan.