Wednesday 30 May 2012

Everything You Ever Wanted From A Popsicle

Great kick start to the summer with these cheap and unique homemade-sicles :)
All you need:

Fresh Fruit (I used strawberries and bananas) & Cranberry Juice (any juice will work but choose something very flavourful!)

Cut up your fruit and stir it all together in a large measuring bowl with a spout to pour - I added about 4 cups of cranberry juice, but add the amount that will fill your popsicle making tray.

Pour them into your popsicle makers, and set in the freezer for later. YUM.

If you don't have popsicle makers (I got mine at Superstore here in Calgary) then try out using just plastic cups and freezing them with spoons (something curved so they will stick to it) or just an ice cube tray.

Don't forget to run hot water over the outside of the containers so they will slide out with no problems ;)

Low in calories and huge treat for the kids - mix it up a bit and try other combos!

Enjoy you're hearts out,

TIP: bite them so you don't suck all the juice out as you eat it!

Monday 28 May 2012

Good for you Mondays

Health Benefits : 

Has cooling/calming properties if the body is over heated or stressed
Aids in digestion (great for IBS or sensitive digestive systems)
Helps with clearing the skin and wrinkles
High in Vitamin E & K and iron
Helps maintain/loose weight
Increases metabolism
Boosts energy levels

Shredded Coconut- can be added to fruit in the morning or baking recipes
Coconut oil- Great way to satay veggies and can also be used as a hair mask to help with dandruff or a dry scalp (don't cheap out on this one! get the high quality stuff)
Coconut water- excellent for post work out to stabilize 
Coconut milk- Creamy but doesn't have an over powering taste

Give it a try! 

Peace out & much love, Buddha Babes.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Vegan Eggplant Pizza-Pies!


So today I started my new job downtown Calgary, and I gotta say the most exciting part is this view right here:

Eggplant Pizza-Pies:

Oven heat 375

You need - 
Baking sheet lined with parchment paper
Large eggplant (not the chinese, long bright purple kind) 
Any kind of tomato sauce (jar of diced tomatoes works too!)
Olive oil
Basil- about 3 leaves chopped
Nutritional yeast (optional)
Bread crumbs (optional)

And now...

Cut that eggplant! 1/4 inch thick so they form large circles.

Place lying flat on the baking sheet, side by side, and plop them in the oven for ten minutes.

On medium heat up olive oil in sauce pan and add the onion and cook till it smells like a delicious Italian kitchen! (the onion is translucent)

Add tomato sauce + basil + nutritional yeast and allow sauce to bubble around edges. (about 5 mins)

Nutritional yeast should give it a delicious cheesy flavor so this is up to you if you would like to add it.

Last but not least.. do it up like a pizza!

Spread about a spoon full of that sassy sauce over your cute little eggplants. Bake that beauty in the oven for 5-7 mins and voila! 

Little tips- Before throwing in the oven add breadcrumbs to the top for a bit extra.
Cut the eggplant even thinner so that the edges will get crispier for a different version of them.
 You can then roll them up and eat, or let them cool and roll them up for lunch tomorrow! Sandwich one on top of the other

Hope you enjoy them :) 

Keeping it easy,

The Buddha Babes

Sunday 20 May 2012

Vegan Juice Pulp Muffins

Hello Buddha Babes :)

So Taegan and I did a 7 day juice cleanse last week and decided to save all the pulp from making the juices! We froze it all in a mason jar, and today I made some delicious pulp muffins :) they're very flavourful, loaded with fibre and were a great texture to work with for muffins.

There's literally everything in them muffins, but the kitchen sink! From celery to blueberries to beets ... 

Here's the recipe:

Preheat oven to 375 and either use muffin liners or coat the tins with pam or butter. 

Whisk together the dry ingredients:

2 cups flour (I used multi grain)
1/2 cup oats
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon (Taegan and I can't get enough of cinnamon, so I probably put in a tbsp...)
1/2 tsp ground ginger (I didn't put in because we juiced ginger so it was in the pulp, but I'd recommend adding it if it's not in there!)
1/4 tsp allspice
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground clove (This is a must I think! Discovered my love for clove today - definitely made the muffins :))

With an electric mixer, combine the wet ingredients:

1/3 cup raw sugar
2 tbsp agave nectar 
1 cup nondairy milk (I used vanilla almond milk)
1 1/2 tbsp coconut oil (can use grapeseed or sunflower oil)
1 tbsp white vinegar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup of your fibrous pulp! (you can really add however much you want/have - I found a cup did the right amount of flavouring, but can be totally versatile!)

Mix the dry ingredients with the wet using the electric mixer until all combined. 

Spoon into the muffin tray, filling them about 3/4 - they don't expand very much though.

Bake for 20 minutes, and enjoy!! You can really do whatever you like with this recipe - add dried cranberries, raisins, nuts, chia seeds, chocolate chips ;) anything you'd like! It made about 15 DELICIOUS muffins. Hope you enjoy them :)

Here for your healthy life,

Taegan & Taylor

Buddha Babes

Friday 18 May 2012

Coconut Crazy - Chickpea Apple Snack

Hi Buddha Babes!

The recipe today is a combo of cinnamon chickpeas with a citrusy green apple, lime wedge and of course, coconut! Perfect for summer :)

Mix the chickpeas (however many you have/want) in a bowl with enough cinnamon to coat them and enough honey or agave nectar to give them a yummy, but not over whelming, sweetness (about a tbsp).

Lye the chickpeas on parchment paper or any nonstick sheet so that all are laying flat and not on top of each other. Roast in the oven at 375 for about 30 minutes - you'll smell the cinnamon. They'll be ready when they are crisp on the outside, but cook to your desired texture! Around 30-45 mins.

Cut up an apple into small pieces, mix together with the roasted cinnamon chickpeas so that cinnamon can also coast the apple. You can stop here, or if you like coconut like Taegan and I clearly do, mix in about 1/4 cup of coconut - again, depends on how many chickpeas you made, but just enough to give it the coconut flavour! We used medium, unsweetened coconut.

Squeeze lemon or lime juice over top, and INDULGE. In the same way an apple crisp is citrusy and sweet, this dish does the trick with the added lime or lemon wedge. 

Great for making a whole batch and then saving some in the fridge for a healthy, after workout protein snack! Chickpeas are a great, yummy source of protein and also perfect for any weight loss regime. 

Happy snacking!

Buddha Babes

Thursday 17 May 2012

Purple Lips Smoothie

1 c. mixed berries
1/2 c. coconut
4 dates
5 or so almonds
1 tbsp honey
Enough almond milk to properly mix a smoothie
Blend together and serve; makes 2 large smoothies

Dates are a great natural sweetener for smoothies and are rich in vitamins and minerals! Bonus!

.Cupcakes I made with the kids I was babysitting this weekend.

Happy purple lips!

Buddha Babes

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Hi there! 

From this point on my sister, Taylor, and I will be providing you with easy ways to incorporate yoga, health, beauty and fitness routines into your life! They will be easy ways to make your life healthier from both of our perspectives; myself, as a Yoga instructor and art student, and Taylor as a Business student and beauty connoisseur. 

Stay tunned for new posts! We're certainly excited to get this site going.

With love, and many thanks for checking out our blog!

T & T
Certified Buddha Babes