Monday 25 June 2012

Beauty and Lifestyle Tips and Tricks!

Here are some random beauty/lifestyle tips and tricks that I've learned to be super helpful!

  1. Squeeze lemon juice over your apples to stop them from browning
  2. Lemon juice is also great for fixing any self tanner mishaps! Squeeze some of the lemon directly on an uneven spot or blotchiness and it will wipe it right off! Hurray for that!
  3. If your going out for coffee try to always bring your mug; not only is this environmentally friendly, but you will 9 times out of 10 get more bang for your buck since they will usually fill your mug, no matter what size you pay for :) be friendly and shoot your barista a smile too! Always works!
  4. Like I mentioned in my last beauty post: tinted moisturizer is GREAT for the summer for a lighter foundation coverage. But, remember to wipe the foundation from your eyebrows after you apply it, otherwise foundation will clog up there and will be very noticeable on your face. A washcloth or toilet paper will do just fine!
  5. Side note to that last tip, try to always put on your makeup in natural sunlight. Putting it on in a closed room with artificial lighting will cause you to unevenly apply your foundation and concealer (believe me) and can also cause you to put on the wrong shades, so makeup will be overly noticeable on your face. No thank you.
  6. Always pluck your eyebrows in the evening - this allows the redness to fade by morning, and also the skin is less sensitive than say the morning when they are all puffy. 
  7. For the same reason above, don't get any waxing 'down there' close to your time of the month! It is especially sensitive at this time and you will feel it. Well, you always will but you will MORE. Again, no thank you.
  8. Try to always shave your legs at night! Your limbs swell overnight, so you won't get a close enough shave if you do in the morning.
  9. Last one I can think of here:

Hang your jewellery from pins in a bulletin board if you have one! Makes for great, cheap and easy jewellery storage.

That is all! I'll try to pick my brain for more points in the future.

Hope you find them helpful!

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